Tuesday, February 10, 2015


The first time I learned how to do my own laundry was when my period started. But that was it. I only did laundry if I had to. In college, I had to go on this educational trip to Singapore which was quite costly and I owed so much to my family for allowing and spending it for me. So, before I actually went to that trip, I had to show them I was good girl and so I did everyone's laundry. Luckily though, my grandpa did most of it since he was the one left at home and everyone else was in school or at work. (Yup, I live with my grandparents)

5 years ago, my grandpa past away so naturally the laundry and cooking tasks had to be divided. Though me and my siblings take turn in doing the chores, I was stuck mostly doing the laundry. And since then and up until now, I still do.

And to do everyone's laundry (6 people) is something I do 3-4 times a week with occasional substitutions and though I know its such a tiring task, but I'm stuck with this for Im not sure how long. But thank God for Washing Machines!!!


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