Saturday, April 18, 2015

Make time. Not Excuses.

Sometimes, those who are too busy making a difference in the world are those who hardly have time not only for themselves but for the people he loves dearly as well. Ironic isn't it?

Whenever one is set on religiously doing something, they tend to neglect many things, and many of those who surround them. But even with good intentions, why does one unconsciously and unintentionally forget this? In the long run, other people will see them as a very dedicated and respectable person, but behind those praises are the friends, families and lovers whose attention is slowly neglected. But still these people sacrifice, they understand and they continue to support because they only want you to be happy and for your dream to come true.

Maybe one thinks they are allocating and spending enough time for their love ones, but think again. One might end up pleasing the whole world while losing those you love most.
Make time, not excuses


1 comment:

  1. This hits me straight in the face.
    Thank you for the reminder :)
